15 Questions With Jillian Chilingerian
"I love watching movies with my non “movie friends” and family just to watch their reactions"
Name: Jillian Chilingerian
Location: Los Angeles
Occupation: Film critic
Links: Offscreen Central, Jillian’s Twitter
1. What’s your favorite day & time to go to the movies?
I love a 6pm movie so I don’t walk out of the theater from sunshine to darkness. And I don’t get out too late in case the movie is 3 hours. (Going in the evening) adds to the “event” nature of going to the theater and escaping into a story with strangers.
2. What’s your favorite movie theater?
I haven’t found my favorite theater yet, I usually base it on seat comfortability and feeling like it's an experience. I don’t mind the AMC Grove though its very packed and touristy but it always feels like an event heading out there and seeing all the people.
3. What’s your go-to movie theater snack & drink combo?
Curly Fries and Peach Coke.
4. What’s your dream movie theater snack & drink combo (if noise and sound weren’t an issue)?
I always wish theaters had more food options but I think about the awkward nature of indulging in something like a pizza and burger next to a bunch of people in the dark. I’m not a fan of what the theaters offer but not sure what would be better. Maybe a Sweetgreen salad?
5. First movie you remember seeing in a theater?
I have vivid memories of watching The Polar Express at Disneyland.
6. Last movie you saw in a theater?
7. Movie you wish you could have seen in a theater?
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
8. Please describe your ideal movie theater seat!
Ability to lean back with the footrest going up. Right in the center of the theater. And enough room for people walking past without putting my feet on the chair to allow them.
9. One thing you would change to make movie theaters better?
If you aren’t seated before the movie starts you can’t come in!
10. What’s the ideal number/length of previews before a movie?
If they are good movies then as many as they want to show. If bad then skip.
11. Do you prefer seeing movies alone or with someone/a group?
I love watching movies with my non “movie friends” and family just to watch their reactions, its fun to walk out of the theater and be able to discuss with everyone. I also enjoy a solo outing to the theater for my own self-care, feeling invisible in the seat with nothing to focus on but the screen.
12. Movie you’re looking forward to seeing?
13. One movie recommendation (that you think people might not know about or should give another chance to):
La Chimera is one of the best films of the year.
14. What’s your dream combination of director & lead(s)?
David Fincher directing Adam Sandler, Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy.
La Chimera 🙌💛
This might be the best movie snack combo ever. Peach coke?! Need to hunt this down immediately